Sustainable in wealth accumulation and investment
PrismaLife considers its product portfolio for risk protection and in particular for pension and asset accumulation of its customers to be a sustainable concept by nature. This is because its goal is to ensure the long-term quality of life and standard of living of its customers. In addition, PrismaLife is committed to making its product strategy even more sustainable.
A major leverage factor for this are the investments, both in the form of the contract-related fund investments of the customers and within the scope of PrismaLife’s own investment for the actuarial reserves, used for coverage of the guarantees for the customers. While the first are individually selected by the customer, the latter are subject to the investment decisions of PrismaLife. In either case, sustainability effects can be achieved through appropriate investment criteria and decisions.
We base our investments on ESG criteria
One of the major leverage factors for sustainable management are our investments. The ESG criteria for the selection of investments are complementary to the classic criteria of security, returns and liquidity. For example, the issue of socially responsible investing is considered for a sustainability analysis of the investments. The criteria are based on the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). In addition, factors such as the intensity of carbon emissions are factored into the investment decisions. In 2020, 56% of the carbon emissions could be saved by using this approach compared to a traditional portfolio without corresponding investment criteria.
Each customer participates in the decision
The pension and risk products and the corresponding fund concepts are at the core of the business case of PrismaLife. Risk and pension plans are by nature oriented towards long-term and sustainable targets. These factors are accordingly weighted highly by all stakeholder groups and by the company.
There are many options for policyholders to optimise their personal carbon footprint. The unit-linked life insurance policies of PrismaLife AG offer customers a comprehensive selection of sustainable funds for their individual investments – in addition to the investments of the actuarial reserves, which are optimised according to ESG criteria. This enables savers for their pension to achieve two goals at the same time: building up a personal pension and supporting sustainability goals with their assets.
At the end of 2020, sustainable funds were included in around 6,400 customer portfolios, with a total investment of more than 28 million euros. PrismaLife raises awareness of its sustainable fund selection through an active communication policy towards customers and distribution partners. PrismaLife will continue to extend its broad selection of sustainable funds in the future.